Natan Osterman

Associate professor of Physics

Head of Experimental Soft Matter Physics Lab, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana

also with Department of Complex Matter, J. Stefan Institute

Experimental Soft Matter Physics

Focus on

  • colloidal and liquid crystal systems
  • active colloidal swimmers, bacteria
  • microrheology of complex matter
  • protein biophysics (aggregation of therapheutic proteins)
  • design, development, and manufacturing of optical devices and systems


  • microscopy (brightfield, darkfield, fluorescence, phase, SHG, 2P,...)
  • optical tweezers
  • magnetic tweezers
  • microfluidics with high thermal gradients
Več informacij za študente (in Slovene)



room P12, Mathematics building, ground floor
e-mail: natan.osterman at
tel: +386 31 372 486 (mobile - use it!)
tel: no phone (office)
skype: natanos
snail mail:
Natan Osterman
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Jadranska 19
SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia